Psoriasis is a disease with a complex character: can it be cured?

Psoriasis is a serious disease, although not life-threatening. Psoriasis is called the chronic disease that affects the skin and nails. Causes redness, itching and the appearance of scaly plaques that manifests at any age and is difficult to treat. Why appear psoriasis, what complications threatened and, most importantly, how to treat it?


What do we know about psoriasis and its treatment

Psoriasis is also one of the most studied and one of the most mysterious diseases. The Experts have many decades trying to figure out its causes, but so far science has no clear answer to the question of why people who suffer from psoriasis.

Psoriasis is not a contagious disease, as the cause is not fungus or bacteria, and the reaction of your own immune system. In psoriasis, the skin cells start to divide with great speed — if the normal life cycle of cells takes about 30 days psoriasis is only 3-5.

The main symptoms of psoriasis: redness, flaking, the appearance of areas inflamed, so-called plaques that itch. In some cases, there are abscesses or small eruption. Sometimes psoriasis is almost never manifests himself, and sometimes intensifies almost no apparent reason. Most often, psoriasis appears in the bends of the hands and feet, along the hairline and where clothes fit too tight or rub; although the inflammation can occur in other places.


Psoriasis is a fairly common disease, which affects around 3% of the total population of the world.

There are several types of psoriasis. The most common is vulgaris, or plaque, which is diagnosed in 80% of patients with psoriasis. Teardrop (small eruption), pustular (pustules), Palmar-plantar and exudative (oozing rash) are much less frequent.

The majority of patients detected the first signs of psoriasis at age 15-25 years. Often the impulse of its appearance (and, later, to the aggravation) are the emotional aspects of the upheaval. Scientists have linked this phenomenon with the release of stress hormones — adrenaline and cortisol.

Psoriasis is considered a chronic disease that is not can be cured. However, modern medicine has managed to keep his manifestation to a minimum and to reduce the frequency of relapses.

Please, keep in mind

Unfortunately, psoriasis can be inherited. In families where one parent suffers from psoriasis, the probability of having a child with the same disease is 25%. If both parents know about this disease first-hand, the risk of developing psoriasis in children increases up to 60%.

How to treat psoriasis: current approaches to therapy

Treatment of psoriasis depends on the severity of the disease. In mild cases (if the affected less than 3% of the surface of the body) to prescribe medicines for external use — ointments and creams. Also advised to review the life style and especially diet. In more complex cases, prescribed physical therapy. Medicines for oral administration, including those that have a certain toxicity, and the hormonal treatment is a last resort, used only if other methods of treatment of psoriasis is not helping.

effective methods

Effective methods and techniques of conservative treatment of psoriasis

There are several ways to fight psoriasis, and in order for therapy to be successful, it is best to take a holistic approach.

Drug therapy

To fight psoriasis "within" often prescribe a derivative of vitamin A (retinoids), as well as drugs that reduce the activity of the immune system. For the treatment topical psoriasis with medical ointments and creams that relieve inflammation and itching, promotes the exfoliation of the dead skin cells from the skin and helps to protect the damaged skin by fungi and bacteria. This is important because the disease of psoriasis is often complicated by the accession of secondary infection, which reduces the effectiveness of the therapy overall and slows down the process of regeneration of the skin.

In the most severe cases, often recurrent course of psoriasis, prescribed local hormone treatment (ointments and creams), the so-called TGKS (corticosteroids topical). Care must be taken — TGKS have a number of side effects and contraindications. If you apply them on their own initiative, and not according to the strict scheme and the advice of a doctor, which can aggravate the disease. TGKS generally not recommended for use over 5 days and applies to large areas of the skin and in sensitive areas (face, neck, skin folds), as these funds can have a systemic effect in the body, it can cause withdrawal symptoms and lead to a thinning of the skin and loss of its protective properties, and therefore, the risk of repeated relapses.

Doctors often complain that the disease can be managed in a faster and easier if the patients do not self-medicate with such potent medicines because cure psoriasis after uncontrolled use of methods-hormonal, it is much more difficult.

Science has always taken a big step forward in the search for effective but safe remedies for the treatment of skin psoriasis and other diseases. These include, for example, include the drugs based on this active substance as an active zinc (zinc pyrithione). Zinc is a organic and natural cure for the skin due to its concentration in healthy human skin is approximately 20% of the total content in the body, and the deficit of this valuable metal is accompanied by various skin lesions and impaired wound healing.

Drugs with active zinc, the difference of the funds of the oxide of zinc, have a set of specific properties (anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal), to help relieve the itching, the promotion and development of ceramides (lipids), which leads to the restoration of its function as a barrier. Unlike the ointments of the oxide of zinc, cream with pyrithione zinc does not dry the skin. In addition, they activate the so-called apoptosis (natural programmed death) pathologically altered cells of the skin and the cells of the inflammation, which inhibits the excessive proliferation of the epithelium, the reduction of the inflammation and the formation of psoriatic plaques.

Studies have shown that the active zinc has a comparable TGKS the efficacy and the good safety profile as is practically not absorbed from the skin, has no annoying and damaging effect.

Whatever the drug is or was assigned to you, remember that, in writing a prescription, the doctor always takes into account the proportion of possible benefits and harms of the use of drugs according to their age and sex characteristics, medical history, etc. So you don't self-medicate: careful, you can hurt more. In the case of psoriasis this applies primarily to the use of methods hormonal. The thoughtless application of ointments and creams with TGKS can lead to a "vicious circle" — the longer the use, the more will be the aggravation.

Not of risk, the first manifestation of symptoms of psoriasis is to start the treatment more safe non-hormonal products and consult a doctor. And in the chronic and recurrent course, the use of non-hormonal drugs with therapeutic properties immediately after the withdrawal of the exacerbation (after applying TGKS) can be extended periods of remission and helps the skin to recover fully.

Physical therapy

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment of the psoriasis, they also help to eliminate the symptoms of this disease. As you know, the pathology is afraid of the sun, so the psoriasis treatment is widely used phototherapy — ultraviolet radiation. Treatment of psoriasis may also include the therapy laser, ultrasound, magnetotherapy.


Patients with psoriasis it is fundamental to follow a proper diet. Excludes all foods that can cause allergies as well as food, heavy on the stomach and the liver. The diet should contain higher doses of vitamins (especially vitamin A) and fiber. Should give up alcohol, smoked meats, animal fats and TRANS fatty acids, eggs, coffee and sparkling water, cupcakes.


As already mentioned, when stress and emotional disorders, psoriasis can worsen. At the same time, for many people, especially for women, young people, the psoriasis in itself is a source of concern and low self-esteem. The goal of therapy for psoriasis is to teach people how to manage their emotions and avoid nervous tension. In addition, group therapy can provide the necessary psychological support and self-esteem.


In plasmapheresis the doctor has the patient part of the blood, separating the plasma from the blood cells and returns them with the help of injections back. Along with plasma, toxins and autoantibodies.

By the way

Psoriasis is not a reason for low self-esteem. Many famous people spend all their life struggling with this disease, that does not stop them being the idols of millions and an icon of style. Psoriasis affects models Cara Delevingne and Kim Kardashian, actress Cameron Diaz and singer Britney Spears.

Alternative approaches

There are alternative, folk, and exotic methods of treatment of psoriasis. The first, for example, is the application of the oil of milk Thistle in the affected areas, decoctions of marshmallow, Valerian, sage and chamomile. Exotic can be attributed to the treatment with tropical species of fish Garra rufa — are pyrithione skin in psoriatic plaques without harming the skin healthy. This original service is offered in Thailand, and in recent years, this procedure has appeared in some Russian spas.

Folk methods are considered safe, however, it is not so allergic to grass may aggravate the condition of the skin and the printing on the plate perfumes of dubious origin and the realization of exotic treatments in unsanitary conditions could lead to the inflammation and the accession of secondary infection.

How to increase the effectiveness of the therapy

How to increase the effectiveness of the therapy

Properly collect therapy will have a positive effect. To speed up the process of recovery will allow the observance of certain rules:

  • Try not to worry. Skin — an indicator of the health of your nervous system. Today, there are many ways to deal with the stress without medication: visit master-classes in drawing, sculpture and decoupage, sports and Spa treatments.
  • Time to treat infectious diseases, prevent hypothermia, and, in general, see your health — "entrenched" in the body of the infection, resulting in repeated relapses.
  • Let's not forget the Spa treatment. Mineral water with mud and many stations to help to improve the condition of psoriasis. These ski resorts around the world in a lot of psoriasis treatment can happen, the Dead sea in Israel, in Slovenia (Portoroz), Italy (Abano Terme), in Bulgaria (Kyustendil).
  • Do not use while bathing hard sponges and brushes, as well as solid Soaps you need to use the soft sponge and shower gel with a neutral pH. After the bath or shower apply a cream, which helps to maintain the skin moisture, such as children.
  • Refrain from synthetic materials and choose comfortable, loose clothing made of soft natural fabrics such as cotton, silk and others.

It is often said that psoriasis is not a disease, but a consequence of the life style. The truth this statement is. If you are diagnosed "psoriasis", they should seriously reconsider their habits and strictly follow the rules. Compliance with the recommendations and timely from the start of treatment allow to achieve stable and prolonged remission — many people that suffer from psoriasis, in fact, not suffering from the disease, as the disease does not manifest itself. But the psoriasis will not tolerate the lightness — if not treated or treated independently, without participation of the doctor, the aggravation will become almost monthly, and regain the beautiful skin and the health will be very difficult.